
Georgian forests and wetlands included among UNESCO

Area of Colchis wetlands and forests will be included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. As it was announced by the Agency of Protected Areas of Georgia, the agency together with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is making attempts Machakhela, Mtirala and Kolkheti National Parks, as well as Kintrishi and Kobuleti protected areas to be included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, Agency of Protected Areas and WWF Caucasian Representatives have been implementing the project since 2017. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Germany and WWF.
Davit Markozashvili, Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas, has discussed the importance of the project at the meeting with interested sides, attended by independent experts, local self-governmental and NGO representatives.
Machakhela National Park is located in Khelvachauri municipality, Autonomous Republic of Adjara in Georgia’s southwestern corner. Administration Building and visitor center are situated in village Acharisagmarti. In the National Park area there are historical and cultural monuments: Arch bridges of different epoch, fortresses, wine presses. Tourist routes can offer visitors to see alder groves, beech and chestnut forests. From Mtavarangelozi mountain visitors can enjoy the spectacular view of Batumi, the capital of Adjara Region and river Machakhela gorge. Tourist season lasts from May to October.
Mtirala National Park is considered the wettest area in Georgia. If you want to enjoy incredible flora and fauna of Georgia’s beautiful region of Adjara, definitely pay a visit to Mtirala National Park, a protected area that is located in the western part of the country and you will not regret. The territory of Mtirala is constructed by volcanic-sedimentary rocks of so-called Naghvarevi Pack. National park offers hiking, horsing, scientific eco-tours. The best season for visit is spring, summer and early autumn.
Kolkheti National Park is located in western Georgia. It includes east coast line of Black Sea and Lake Paliastomi Basin. National Park is created in order to protect and maintain Kolkheti wetland ecosystems of international importance. Districts of the national park are located on 5 administrative regions – Zugdidi, Khobi, Senaki, Abasha and Lanchkuti and are part of two historic parts of Georgia – Samegrelo and Guria. Kolkheti National Park Administration offers boat tours on Lake Paliastomi and river Pichori gorge, as well as sport fishing, bird watching and eco-educational tours. Tours are carried out throughout the year.
Kintrishi Protected Areas is located in Adjara Autonomous Republic (Kobuleti Municipality) with a total area of 13,893 ha. It is located in picturesque valley of the river Kintrishi, between village Tskhemvani and Khino Mountains, at an altitude of 300-2,500 meters above sea level. Kintrishi Protected Areas offers their visitors two tourist trails, both on foot and on horse. Picnic and camping places are arranged along trails, fire spots are also allocated. Visitors can visit the area at any time of the year.
Kobuleti Protected Areas was established in order to save unique waterfowl habitat wetland ecosystems of international importance, as natural heritage of high values. The mentioned wetlands are located in Adjara autonomous republic and include north-eastern part of Kobuleti coastal plain and are distinguished by diversity of birds and plants. Kobuleti Protected Areas is an important habitat for migrating, nesting and wintering water bird species. Existing species are great interest of botanists.
By destinationtogeorgia|Actuality, cultural life|0 comment
