• 17


    Géorgiens artistes à Leipzig

    Les artistes contemporains géorgiens présenteront leurs œuvres dans la célèbre Spinnerei de Leipzig, où l'exposition "Georgian Imprint" accueillera les visiteurs. L'exposition fera partie du Winter Group Show 2018 du Leipzig International Art Programme (LIA). L'événement accueillera un groupe d'artistes LIA du monde entier pour présenter…
    By destinationtogeorgia|Uncategorized|0 commentRead More

  • 17


    Cyprus gifts land to Georgia

    Cyprus gifts land to Georgia to build the most large-scale monastery complex in Europe The government of Cyprus and Archbishop of the country Chrysostomos II have made an unprecedented decision to gift Georgia 12,295 square meters of land to build the most large-scale Georgian monastery…
    By destinationtogeorgia|cultural life|0 commentRead More

  • 17


    Georgian artists set for Leipzig

    A group of Georgian contemporary artists will present their works in Leipzig’s popular art area Spinnerei on Saturday, where the display Georgian Imprint will host visitors. The exhibition will come within the Winter Group Show 2018 of the Leipzig International Art Program (LIA). The event will see a group of…
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  • 17


    ’The Empty House’ for Berlinale co-production market

    ’The Empty House’ among 10 projects picked for Berlinale co-production market Film director Rati Tsiteladze and screenwriter Nino Varsimashvili will present their in-development feature The Empty House among 10 projects selected for the Berlinale Talent Project Market next month. The work-in-progress film was selected for the shortlist…
    By destinationtogeorgia|cultural life|0 commentRead More

  • 05


    Levan Songulashvili georgian Artist

    Levan Songulashvili named ArtistADay platform’s Artist of the Year 2017 New York-based Levan Songulashvili has been named ArtistADay online platform’s Artist of the Year, heading an end-of-year selection of creators from around the world on the website. Songulashvili became the first Georgian artist to be picked…
    By destinationtogeorgia|Actuality, cultural life|0 commentRead More

  • 05


    jazz vocalist Gregory Porter in Tbilisi

    Multiple Grammy Award-winning American singer and songwriter Gregory Porter will bring his celebrated jazz voice to Tbilisi Concert Hall next week in a show featuring Georgian Philharmonic Orchestra led by conductor Nikoloz Rachveli. Praised for "voice [that] defies gravity” and awarded his second Grammy Award…
    By destinationtogeorgia|Actuality, cultural life|0 commentRead More

  • 05


    Iriao ethno jazz band at Eurovision 2018

    Ethno jazz band Iriao , known for their fusion of jazz and Georgian folk music elements, will be Georgia’s bid for a win at next spring’s Eurovision Song Contest in Portugal’s capital Lisbon. The seven-member group that debuted in 2013 will bring their distinctive style of "adorning”…
    By destinationtogeorgia|Actuality, cultural life|0 commentRead More

  • 05


    Levan Songulashvili artiste peintre géorgien à NY

    Levan Songulashvili, basé à New York, a été nommé "Artist of the Year" de la plateforme  ArtistADay,  sur le site Web. Songulashvili est devenu le premier artiste géorgien par les conservateurs de la plate-forme qui présente des artistes professionnels choisi  par les amateurs. La sélection de…
    By destinationtogeorgia|Uncategorized|0 commentRead More

  • 05


    Eurovision 2018 : IRIAO de la Géorgie

    Eurovision 2018 : la Géorgie représentée par l’ensemble IRIAO (fusion ethno-musique et musique traditionnelle géorgienne) Le groupe de jazz ethnique Iriao sera la candidature de la Géorgie au printemps prochain à Lisbonne, la capitale portugaise. Il devient connu pour sa fusion du jazz et des…
    By destinationtogeorgia|Uncategorized|0 commentRead More

  • 05


    “Mze Shina”

    Ils ne sont pas géorgiens, mais c’est tout comme : tombé dans le chaudron caucasien avant même que l’Unesco en inscrive le folklore millénaire au Patrimoine oral et immatériel de l’humanité (2001), l’ensemble Mze Shina (« soleil intérieur », en géorgien) s’est donné pour mission…
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